Personal Coven

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 Po Polsku... ]

On these pages I've put lots of info concerning me personally. You may read here who am I, how do I look like, what do I do, what do I like, where can you find me... I hope there are some people interested in this...

Few words about me
Basic info about me - who am I, how do I look like, what do I do, how can you contact me...
Simply a little info sheet...

What do I like and dislike
Everything about things I like and dislike. All domains - computers, food, politics, movies and much more...

My public GPG and PGP keys
If you wish to send me GPG (or PGP) encoded mail or check the signature on a letter from me - here you'll find my public keys.

Photo gallery
Especially for my female fans ;^) and everyone else wanting to know how do I look like.

The music I like
My favourite artists - that is Music Coven.

Why Coven?
Check this, if you want to know why did I choose that nick...

Sources and copyrights

Paweł Więcek <>
All rights reserved.
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