About vi and vim

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Vi is a standard text editor for Unix-like systems. It's considered inaccessible and inconvenient, but this opinions are not true.

It is true vi has a little not-typical command set (and the way they're called), but when you learn it, you'll be able to do things other editors' users can only dream of.

An example of great vi's possibilities can for example be existence of its macros solving Hanoi towers, emulating simple computer or solving maze.

Vim is an improved version of vi (as you see everything can be improved) for various platforms (Unix-like systems, MS-DOS, Amiga, Windows NT).

Some of the new features of vim are:
- support for multiple windows on screen
- possibility of starting in insert mode
- extended insert mode (that's mossible to move cursor while in insert mode)
- extended backspace in insert mode (optional)
- overwrite mode
- multilevel undo and redo
- creation of backup files (.bak)
- command history
- ability for visual block marking
- ability of analyzis of compiler error listings
- operations on rectangular ("vertical") blocks
- built in online help
- improved command line editing
- and much more

Huge set of questions and answers concerning Vim. Priceless knowledge base.

Paweł Więcek <coven@vmh.net>
All rights reserved.
This page's URL: http://www.coven.vmh.net/tech/vim.html